Employee Engagement and Recognition Programs


The Service Recognition Awards and Spot Awards programs are opportunities for SEAS to recognize exemplary  performance by administrative staff members who consistently excel in their positions and demonstrate integrity, dedication and commitment to the mission and values of Columbia Engineering and the University. 


The Service Recognition Awards recognize employees for their exemplary and sustained performance based on the following criteria:

  • Outstanding Achievement and Performance 
  • Initiative & Creativity 
  • Community Service 
  • Leadership 

Recipients receive a monetary award of $2,000 and a certificate of achievement. Payment is not added to the salary but the amount will be grossed up to account for taxes. 


  • All nominees must have received a SEAS performance review in the past year.
  • Employees must be at grade 14 or below in order to be eligible for the Recognition Award.
  • An employee is eligible for the Recognition Award only once every three years.


    Nominations for the Service Recognition Award will be open in mid-spring/summer. All award recipients will be  announced at that time. This is a competitive process. It is anticipated that each Department (including the Dean’s  office) will be awarded 0-2 Service Recognition Awards annually. The nominator (staff and/or faculty) should send  the name of the nominee directly to the Department Chair or, for the Dean’s office, the Unit Head. The Department Chair,  or Dean’s Office Unit Head, will make the formal nomination to the advisory committee. All eligible nominees will be  submitted to the Awards Advisory Committee, convened by the Dean, and chaired by the Sr. Associate Dean of Faculty  Affairs. The committee consists of:

    Prior year Dean’s Excellence award recipients (Year 1 will consist of Dean’s Office (1) staff and departmental representatives (2) 

    • Two faculty representatives appointed by the Dean every 2 years (this will be the faculty at large on the Exec Committee in FY22) 
    • A member of the Dean’s HR staff 
    • A member of the Dean’s Finance staff

    Nominations should not exceed one page in length. The nomination should indicate the recognition area and provide concreate details on why the nominee exemplifies in this area. 


    The Spot Awards are given by the Department in any of the following categories: 

    • Good Citizenship – Promoting positive morale through actions of good spirit 
    • Collaboration / Helping / Mentoring – Leading others through partnerships 
    • Bright Idea / Creativity – Honoring the creative problem solver 
    • Above and Beyond – Model of superior service 
    • Make it Happen – Relentlessly resourceful and productive 
    • Unsung Hero – Working behind the scenes 
    • Going Green – Providing outstanding contributions towards campus sustainability

    The Spot Award provides a $100 gift card and a certificate of achievement. 


    • All nominees must have received a SEAS performance review in the past year.
    • An employee is eligible for the Spot Award only once per year.
    • Senior Departmental Administrators (DFA, DA, Director) are not eligible for the Spot Award.


    The Spot Awardees are selected by the Department Chair and Department Administrator. A department can give Spot Awards to no more than 50% of eligible employees during an academic year. Once awarded, the department will inform SEAS HR of awardee details (name, time of award and citation or brief description of why the award was given). SEAS HR will keep a master list for the school.

    Nominate for a Spot Award

    Spot Award Recipients

    Past Engagement and Recognition Events